Saturday, March 28, 2009

It’s unbelievable that is has already been one year. Last summer I had a crazy time. I realized that the best thing one can do is travel. Although I had already lived in 6 different places it was not until last summer put it together and realized that a big part of whom I am is strongly determine by the experiences I’ve had in the places I’ve lived. As hard as it is to get out of your comfort zone and adapt to new things is also the most rewarding. To be able to understand a different culture is to open your mind a little more. To open your mind a little is to learn to experience life with different eyes; to be able to do this is to find happiness in the little things, to find it is to have an amazing life. So, going back to last summer; I had the opportunity to go back to my home country (Colombia), which I’ve done several times. But this time was different. I went on a road trip from Cali to Medellin and then drove up the coast stopping at amazing places. After my road trip I notice that my insatiable curiosity for what is different and my need for new experiences kicked in and I refused to stop traveling. I then had the chance (really out of nowhere) to keep traveling. So I went to Florida, New York for a little while and then Germany, Berlin, in my opinion the best city in the World until now; while there I visited Amsterdam and Istanbul and finally went back home. Although I couldn’t complain I felt like I wasn’t done. This trip instead of sufficing my need sparked something inside of me, and then I knew. There are a lot of amazing places out there waiting for me to discover them. There are people with amazing stories waiting for me to hear them. There are a lot of things I have to learn from the world that I live in. So although I am young and I have no money and currently put a break on my education my desire is to keep traveling and maybe have the chance (out of nowhere) to tell people about it. I am taking my chances at the moment, living in Berlin and planning to go everywhere and anywhere, so if this sounds interesting keep checking this blog and I’ll tell you all about the crazy roads I find. 


  1. when are you going travel and write again?? your fans are waiting!! and i am your #1 fan!

  2. Laura!!! I love your story and the path you have followed so far!!! I'm certainly proud of you and your fearless way to live life! Good luck and keep on reaching your dreams!
